boot camp-cisco ccnp lab

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Frequently asked questions about ipexpert ccvp

It took great skill and will power to complete this article on ipexpert ccvp. We also request you to use your skill and will power to understand this matter.

ccie lab exam
ccie lab exam
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Secrets of ccie lab notes

Headlines on ccie lab notes

How to debug DTMF relay?

Tue, 22 Aug 2006 00:56:01 +0000
For H323
debug h245 asn1
debug voip rtp session named-event
Sample output
Aug 21 21:07:37.902: h245_decode_one_pdu: more_pdus = 0, bytesLeftToDecode = 7
Aug 21 21:07:37.902: H245 MSC INCOMING ENCODE BUFFER::= 6D810447200063
Aug 21 21:07:37.902:
Aug 21 21:07:37.902: H245 MSC INCOMING PDU ::=
value MultimediaSystemControlMessage ::= indication : userInput : signal :
signalType “9″
duration 100
Aug 21 21:07:37.902:          Pt:101    Evt:9       Pkt:04 00 00  <Snd>>>
Aug 21 ...]

Weekend Update

Sun, 07 Sep 2008 14:07:29 +0000
After the mock that I did yesterday morning, I have just been taking it easy today. Browsing through

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Waking up ...

*whooosh!* .. then I am awakening my hibernated CCIE 'personality'

The notebook that I mentioned is almost ready. Hopefully by tomorrow
I can start putting the dynamips to simulate my labs again.

Now is the warming up time: I need to pickup where I have left.

Lessons learned from the previous two attempts:

  • Focus!

  • Aimed and believe that you will pass

  • FAce the fact, if there is still weaknes(ses) in several areas,
    either patch it up or strengthen other area that I am more familiar with

  • Keep doing it (I read this from several post from href="">Group Study

I am still one of CCIE candidate that is using poor man's method and
approach. It is also more towards stabilizing the areas and link between
the knowledge and experience of being a CCIE itself.

Out of majority of CCIE candidate, I could be one of the odds that is
not dealing directly with all CCIE needs. My work at client's requries
me to provide service beyond my CCIE-ness.

Thus, even though I have the knowlede and skills, my clients asked me
to carry out tasks in areas outside network.

The good news is: I like doing it, so no big deal ;)

the even better news is: it give me more challenge on how to separate
between the real life needs of my work and the CCIE lab that I

I must admit that since the preparation of this CCIE track (R&S), I
have improved a lot of things in areas beyond my prediction.

Let's head back in prepration and stay tuned!

Congrats to Matt Hill

Wed, 22 Oct 2008 11:58:36 +0000
Matt passed his R&S lab yesterday. He used Narbik’s materials to help him obtain his numbers. Send him your congrats.

We had started out on this mission of information on ccie lab notes with lots of optimism. And we have also ended it in the same manner.

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