boot camp-cisco ccnp lab

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Questions and answers about net130

Headlines on net130

IPIPGW Gatekeeper lookup

Sun, 13 Aug 2006 16:26:01 +0000
When using IPIPGW, you need to define a zone prefix to route calls. invia zones does not use the default technology.

10 things IT needs to know about AJAX Digg it! 1,258]

Our Team at NetMasterClass wants to wish you happy holidays!

Tue, 25 Dec 2007 00:12:02 +0000
Looking into 2008 we expect to see a lot of our students and partners to happily archive their goals. We would always do our best to help you on your path.

Waking up ...

*whooosh!* .. then I am awakening my hibernated CCIE 'personality'

The notebook that I mentioned is almost ready. Hopefully by tomorrow
I can start putting the dynamips to simulate my labs again.

Now is the warming up time: I need to pickup where I have left.

Lessons learned from the previous two attempts:

  • Focus!

  • Aimed and believe that you will pass

  • FAce the fact, if there is still weaknes(ses) in several areas,
    either patch it up or strengthen other area that I am more familiar with

  • Keep doing it (I read this from several post from href="">Group Study

I am still one of CCIE candidate that is using poor man's method and
approach. It is also more towards stabilizing the areas and link between
the knowledge and experience of being a CCIE itself.

Out of majority of CCIE candidate, I could be one of the odds that is
not dealing directly with all CCIE needs. My work at client's requries
me to provide service beyond my CCIE-ness.

Thus, even though I have the knowlede and skills, my clients asked me
to carry out tasks in areas outside network.

The good news is: I like doing it, so no big deal ;)

the even better news is: it give me more challenge on how to separate
between the real life needs of my work and the CCIE lab that I

I must admit that since the preparation of this CCIE track (R&S), I
have improved a lot of things in areas beyond my prediction.

Let's head back in prepration and stay tuned!

Recertified, Reserved, & Ready?

Sun, 31 Aug 2008 05:31:53 +0000
On August 19th, I finally found time to sit and take my written exam for Security. In just 2 years, the amount of depth required to take this test has changed for the better, IMHO. When I first took the Security written in 2006, I was faced with many R&S type questions. ...]

We hope that through reading of this article on net130, interest in net130 is once again activated.

net130 Products we recommend

.Mac (Apple Computer, Inc.)
Memory Cards

ccie preparation
ccie qos
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